What is Triple P?

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® is one of the world’s most effective parenting programs.

It is one of the few based on evidence from ongoing scientific research. There have been more than 200 evaluation papers, including 104 randomised controlled studies, showing that Triple P works for most families in a variety of cultures, countries and family situations.

Triple P works by giving parents the skills to raise confident, healthy children and teenagers, and to build stronger family relationships.  It also helps parents manage misbehaviour and prevent problems occurring in the first place.

Triple P Provider

But it doesn’t tell people how to parent.  Rather, it gives them simple and practical strategies they can adapt to suit their own values, beliefs and needs.

Triple P is also different because it is not ‘one size-fits-all’.  It’s a system that offers increasing levels of support to meet parents’ different needs.  So parents can choose anything from one-off public seminars or self- help books to more detailed group courses or individual sessions.

Triple P is now used in 25 countries including the USA, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Iran, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Netherlands, Curacao, Switzerland and Romania.  It has been translated from English into 19 other languages.

Level 2 Seminars for Primary Schools:

Seminar 1 : Power of Positive Parenting
Seminar 2 : Raising Competent, Confident Children
Seminar 3 : Raising Resilient Children

Level 2 Seminars for Secondary  Schools:

Seminar 1 : Raising resilient teenagers
Seminar 2 : Raising Competent teenagers
Seminar 3 : Getting teenagers connected


(source: )

Key Findings
Parents who completed the programmes reported greater parenting competence, lower  parenting  stress,  improved  emotional  states  and  reduced  behavioural problems in children.

Level of Parenting Competence

Parents were more competent in their parenting – On average, parents reported an improvement of 12% and 18% in parenting competence for Levels 2 and 3 respectively.


Level of Parenting Stress

Parents experienced lower parenting stress – There is a reduction of 38% and 25% in stress level for Levels 2 and 3 respectively.


Level of Negative Emotional States

Parents experienced improved emotional states – The level of negative emotional states decreased 25% and 39% for Levels 2 and 3 respectively.


Level of Child Difficult Behaviour

The child exhibited less behavioural problems – Parents also reported a reduction of 12% and 33% in the level of child’s difficult behaviour for Levels 2 and 3 respectively

Webpage Source:
Triple P International